Legendary smoke bomb

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This smoke bomb composition is called the "Legendary" because the creator called it that. It is far better than the normal Potassium nitrate and sucrose composition.

[edit] How to make

Stuff you need
Stuff you need

You will need the following things:

Potassium nitrate
Wax (preferably 100% paraffin-oil)

Heat source
A canister for the mix (small beer can)or Aluminum foil

[edit] Tutorial


Potassium nitrate 3
Wax 2
Sugar 2

Step 1

Wax and KNO3 + Sugar
Wax and KNO3 + Sugar

Weigh the stuff you need. For this tutorial I will use 75g Potassium nitrate, 50g sugar, 50g wax.
Mix the Potassium nitrate with the sugar together.

Step 2

You can cut the wax into pieces so the melting goes faster
You can cut the wax into pieces so the melting goes faster

Put the wax in the pan and put the heat on.

Step 3 When the wax has become waterish, add the Potassium nitrate and sugar.
You should have a white snowy looking mix. Turn off the heat, and stir a minute, crush the clots.

Step 4 Pour the mix into your preferred canister. Drain excess wax to wherever you want.

Step 5 Cover the top to 1/2 way down the canister with aluminum foil. You should have a few layers with aluminum foil, and maybe some paper between the aluminum layers.

Step 6 Stick a small hole in the top, a pen works fine. Then press the pen halfway into the mix, creating a nice hole for the fuse.

Step 7 Add the fuse, shove it through the rest of the mix.

Step 8 Put the bomb in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes and it should be ready to use!

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